Getting Away From It All In The Country

A life in the country can be very rewarding. You probably will not miss the crowds of the city, the hustle and bustle, and the constant stress. Whether you are able or willing to live in a rural setting permanently, or just want a getaway for a week or two, the peace and solitude of a rustic setting can be very attractive and refreshing. But while there is likely a lot you will not miss about life in the big city, you still want to be comfortable and safe. Basics such as warmth and water are never optional.

The first thing to think about with regard to life in a rural setting is being well stocked with supplies of all kinds. Depending on how far you are from the nearest town, it may be difficult to get to a store very easily if you run out of something. Food and other supplies should be stockpiled and managed carefully so that you don’t need to make an emergency trip for an item or two. Instead have planned shopping days and make sure you have enough to last for the periods in between.

Having a well on the property, as is likely, is a wonderful source of water as long as it works. Should anything go wrong, though, either with the water or the means to pump it, you could be in dire straits. Protect yourself from this situation by having a large storage tank that the well constantly tops off, and also have a generator on hand for emergency electricity. Also stash bottles of water for drinking, cooking and washing, enough to last until you can get into town or fix the problem with your well.

You also need to plan for possible emergencies that would require paramedics or firefighters, as it may take some time for them to get to you out in a rural area. Either you or another family member should be skilled in CPR, as well as know basic first aid. First aid supplies, such as bandages and antiseptic, should also be on hand.

Avoid emergency situations whenever you can, of course, both in terms of your own and your family’s personal safety, and that of your house. Keep a large area all around it clear of brush as well as overgrown trees and bushes. You can easily accomplish this with a light duty Homelite chainsaw. In the event of a forest fire, the cleared area will serve as a barrier until firefighters can put out the blaze.

As long as you have space cleared around your house, you may want to use some of it to grow your own fruits and vegetables. This is a wonderful activity no matter where you live. But in the country having your own supply of fresh produce is even more important, as going into town often for groceries may not be practical. You can take it one step further, if you like, and can the excess you produce for when you run out of fresh produce.

You are likely to need and want a good supply of firewood when the weather turns cool. The only source of heat for your home may be an air-tight fireplace. Or you may prefer it even if other heating options, such as gas or electric, are available. And even an open fireplace is a source of some heat as well as enjoyment. An afternoon in the woods with a heavy duty Husqvarna chainsaw will produce all the firewood you need, after, of course, you have split it with your axe.

So here you are, in your rustic country home. You have a full pantry, a storage tank brimming with water, plenty to eat and drink, a nicely cleared and landscaped yard and a garden area. Next to the fireplace is a stack of firewood, and out in the utility shed are several more cords, enough to last all winter. Relax, have a cup of tea, perhaps settle down to do some sewing on the patchwork quilt set you’re making for your sleigh bed. The country life is a good life.