Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Professional Presenter?

Professional presenters are hired by businesses for many purposes (see – how to book a British presenter); television adverts, radio work, events and even online videos. Whilst presenting is a somewhat niche occupation, with the right know-how and skills it can be a satisfying one.

If you aspire to become a presenter but are yet to have had any experience within the industry, fear not! Together with the right attributes and the assistance of an experienced agency you can instantly embark on the career path of your dreams.

To be a professional presenter, the following attributes are considered to be useful:

1.Confidence. For a presenter, having confidence is crucial. Businesses will only want to hire presenters that ooze self-confidence.

2.Poise. A good presenter can convince an audience that they know what they are talking about. You’ll not always know much about the subject you’re talking on, but that’s why it is important that you know your content inside-out.

3.Awareness. A great presenter is one that is aware of the context in which they are speaking. The way in which they present should be able to mirror the interests of the people and place the client is targeting. Adaptability is key.

4.Persuasiveness. A presenter is hired to help a business sell an idea, product or service to their consumers (see – female exhibition presenters). Consequently, to become a successful presenter you should learn how to master the art of persuasion.

5. Directness. Audiences know when someone is trying to pull the wool over their eyes. Due to this, a good presenter is someone who can take a direct and honest approach to their work – or make it seem that way. Direct and informative sentences grab attention, long-winded paragraphs and examples do not.

6.Flexibility. The business that hires you may want to chop and change the script you’re given several times. For the reason that what can read well on paper, will sometimes not sound as effective when spoken outloud. So – an experienced presenter accounts for some flexibility and is able to adapt quickly.

7.Enthusiasm. Businesses are paying you to get enthusiastic about their services or products. Without the necessary degree of enthusiasm, how can audiences be expected to get enthusiastic about what’s on offer?

8.A good voice! Obviously one of the most important trait in any skilled presenter is a pleasant voice. Audiences should be able to understand you and warm to your voice. Clients may sometimes need someone with a particular accent, to better target their demographic, so don’t let having a strong accent put you off. However, as long as you are able to speak fluidly and adapt your tone to the nature of the work – you’re onto a winner!

So, do you have what it takes?

To learn more about presenting as a profession or to gain the help of an expert agency, see – or click here to book your British presenter.