{Content is King | Why Content Is One of the Main Ingredients To Building A Website | Using Content To Rank A Website}

Content Is King!

{Tommy has a mum called Karen | Karen has a son named Tommy | Tommy’s mum is Karen | Karen has a little boy named Tommy}, and she loves him {dearly | very much}.  He has asked Karen to make a Spiderman birthday cake, which she is going to {attempt to do | do to make him happy | try to do to make him happy}.  She does a little bit of research and sets out {making a great cake | baking the best cake possible | making the best cake ever}.  {She wants it to taste good as well as look good | She wants it to taste and look good | She wants it to look good but taste even better}, so she makes a beautiful base cake to decorate.  Once the trimmings and decorations have been {added | applied}, it looks great and tastes even better.  Tommy and his friends {love | enjoy} it so much they {ask for more | want more | beg for more}.  Well done Karen.

Now Tommy is {18 |older} and he has asked Karen to build him a fantastic car rental website.  Of course Karen does not know much about {car rental | car hire | hire cars | rental cars} but researches and studies to find out what would be needed to make it successful.  She soon discovers that there are a few main ingredients that will help to rank a {website | site} and content is one of them.  Content does not only help to distinguish what the {website |site} is about, but also helps to decorate the site.  Karen had to put the right things on the Spiderman cake to ensure she did not run the risk of making it look like something {different | else}.  This is similar to content for {a website | an internet site}.  It would be {hard | difficult} for {people | visitors} to {understand | establish} what the site is about if it does not have relevant content pertaining to {car rental | car hire}.

Content is {so Important | important}.  Putting content on a website is not rocket science but you must ensure you are letting both people and the search engines know exactly what you {are all about | are trying to say | are trying to sell | are offering}.  It would not help to have information about {making | baking} a Spiderman Cake on Tommy’s website.  The search engines would class that as irrelevant and may not rank the site as well as what it {should be | could be}.

Karen can become creative however and add content that will assist people when {renting cars | hiring cars}, as well as give them information about the location that they will be visiting.  The search engines will find this {helpful | relevant} to people who are visiting the {site | website} and this will help with the rankings.

Karen now needs to strategically place the content throughout the {website | site}.  She will run the risk of making it look uninviting if she tries to place most of the content on the homepage.  If she had not made the Spiderman cake look yummy, Tommy and his friends may not have wanted to try a little or even ask for more.  Having an {enticing | inviting} homepage intrigues visitors to click through the {website | site}.

Keywords are the main focus for having content.  For car {rental | hire}, Karen must consider the words that people {search for | google} to rent a car.  For example, it would be very unlikely that someone would put the words – Spiderman cake into {a search engine | google} to {rent | hire} a car.  So Karen must determine what words she would like the site to rank for and then strategically add them throughout the {content | the content on the site}.   If Karen had placed pretty purple ribbons on the cake and said it was Spiderman, Tommy would have been very confused.  This is much like keywords and she needs to ensure she can rank for the more popular search terms by adding these terms into the content.  Seems easy, but there seems to be many websites that add content for the sake of having a few more pages.  This does nothing for your rankings unless it is relevant.

Karen needs to also ensure that the content on the {website | site} is not stuffed with the keywords.  Having good content with the keywords evenly spread out nicely will make her web pages look natural and flowing.  If Karen had added too much of one main ingredient into the birthday cake, it would have tasted awful and this would not have been appealing.  This goes with content as well.

So in review, content is important.  But it must be relevant and it must be keyworded for your site to {rank | rank well}. Karen not only made her son a fantastic Spiderman cake, but she also presented  him with a website that was full of informative, useful content that attracted visitors to the site and made the search spiders happy.  Well done Karen, you should be presented with the MUM of the year award!