Changing Your Mind Set Can Be Very Easy

Changing the way you think can be very difficult but easy at the very first time. The thing is you must completely be committed to change to unshakeable propensities because your peers might be a huge stumbling block. Quantum physics has proven that in order for change to happen all things from the past must be thrown away and a new reality must take shape immediately.

Reciting affirmations directed at the new personality you wish to implant is a sure fire way to get you started. If you want to be more assertive you can try repeating a golden phrase like ‘I am assertive’ regularly on a daily basis. This works really well because the human brain actually works on things we tell ourselves, that is things we hear. Do this for the whole year and your brain will learn how to adjust to changing circumstances.

It is very dangerous to try enforcing character change when you’re old. One example of this is vegetarian glucosamine, an amino acid whose effectiveness reduces the moment you grow older. The brain gets conditioned with the passage of time and after a certain period of time it can be almost impossible to change the way you see things. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Switch from your old watching and listening habits to conform to what you want to become. There is no point in trying to be peace loving if you still watch gangster films and violent music. The brain picks up on things like this and starts moulding you subconsciously according to that. A change of mind set is about leaving old habits and picking up newer ones.

If you’re still hanging around with the same old friends then you had better think hard about what you really want from life. The friends we have are very similar to us and it doesn’t help trying to change how we think if such friends are still a major part of our lives. Find friends that suit your new character but still maintain contact with your old friends.

Hypnotism is a psychological therapy technique that has been used for ages just like anti aging creams. A hypnotherapist will go deep into your subconscious and try to change you from the inside out. This type of therapy is very effective because it attempts to erase old beliefs and replacing them with newer ones. Hypnotherapy is a good way to instill new behavior; don’t wait until you’re in your retirement age to visit one, it will be awkward.

There is no se in trying to change if your friends are in the dark about your intentions. Letting them know will make it easier to get their support without actually getting pressure from them about how much you have changed. Tell them about your hopes and wishes and if they are your real friends they will understand instead of thinking you are avoiding them.