anti-spam server software

Spam is a reality of the Internet, but not all users suffer from it at the same extent. Business owners have difficulties with identifying real messages from interested prospects from unsolicited mails. Software companies have come with solutions in the form of anti-spam programs meant to detect and delete over 90% of junk mail. Spam blocker utility first released by Microsoft in May 2004~Released by Microsoft in May 2004, the Spam appliance is a smart tool designed for mailbox protection}. The target market for this product consists of individual users and companies that receive unsolicited commercial emails in very large numbers.


Email spam blocker is based on Microsoft SmartScreen technology that helps with the identification of a message that has a spam potential~Microsoft Smart Screen technology stays at the basis of the Exchange spam blocker as it is essential for the identification of the nature of the message}. Starting from this option that allows one to determine which incoming email is spam, the user may stop the access of unsolicited mail messages at the gateway or at the mailbox. Initially there were tools that pre-dated the release of Email spam blocker. At present, Microsoft no longer provides updates for the former intelligent filters, in a clustered environment. The current version of the Spam appliance supports business development by detecting and stopping spam in the tracks.

The Email spam blocker combines several technologies in order to separate spam from legitimate messages; thus, other than the use of the Bayes filter, the tool scans the messages for spam keywords and analyzes the spam headers. After the identification of the spam messages, it is up to the computer user to decide whether to keep or delete the messages. There are versions of the Spam appliance that actually inform a sender whether his or her message has been treated as spam despite its inherent legitimacy. Plus, the benefits of preventing spam directly on server before downloading into the computer are manifold: less virus attacks and no malware unauthorized installation.

To sum it up, Spam blocker utility~the Spam blocker utility can support all the small business and personal operations conducted via email}. A problem of the 2003 version of the blocker consisted in the impossibility to export or import blocked messages or send domains. Another problem is the fact that the user does not know how much spam is blocked or how well the filters are functioning. It is important to test the settings and find out about the best mode to operate with the tool so that you can maximize the usage of your anti-spam defenses.

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