Treating Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism has in recent years been defined as a disease or addiction; however this idea can be hard for people to accept. Many alcoholics downplay the impact of their drinking, and sometimes loved ones fail to see the magnitude of the problem.

However if alcohol has become a major part of your life or the life of someone you love then it might be time to seek help. The first step to recovering from alcohol addiction is to admit that a problem exists. Until an alcoholic admits this there is no therapy that will work in the long term.

Best Solution

In the long run the best solution for treating someone with an alcohol addiction is admittance to an inpatient rehab facility. The problem with this solution is that it is time consuming and expensive. Not everyone is able to afford this kind of treatment. However when a person who has problems with alcohol is ready for treatment and receives care from an inpatient rehab facility the results can be very effective.


Medication may not sound like an ideal way to deal with alcohol addiction but it is one possible way to treat alcoholism. There are several drugs on the market that encourage an alcoholic to avoid drinking. One of the drugs that can be prescribed is Antabuse, a drug that causes severe discomfort to anyone taking it whenever they ingest alcohol. This is because the drug prevents the process of chemical elimination in the body. 

Naltrexone is another drug that has been used to cut out the desire for alcohol in the first place. However the problem with both these solutions is that a relapse may occur once a person stops taking the medication. Consult your doctor about the possible use of these drugs for treatment of drinking related addictions.


Detoxification may be the first step in an alcohol treatment program. It is a very messy and painful step as withdrawal symptoms can cause violent reactions in patients. For this reason drugs may be used to help ease the withdrawal symptoms.

It is important that detoxification efforts are closely monitored by doctor or medical staff. Unmonitored detoxification can lead to death. For the results of detoxification to work a patient must then undergo group therapy or counseling to avoid relapsing. Drugs may also be prescribed to help the process along. Consult your doctor for the best way to go about this.

Group Therapy

Alcohol addiction is often caused by an underlying psychological reason. Limiting the amount of alcohol a person drinks may not be enough to solve the problem. To get to the underlying reason for the addiction group therapy or psychotherapy is necessary.

Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most common and popular support groups for this purpose. If a person in the family has experienced problems with alcohol for many years it may be necessary for other family members to take part in therapy. It can be helpful for a family to work through addiction related issues together.

Limiting Consumption

Some people often try to limit their consumption of alcohol when dealing with addiction. While this may seem to work at first it is not a long term solution. People who drink in excess often continue to despite the impact their drinking habits may have on their finances, or personal relationships. Relapsing or binge drinking is common when trying this technique for treatment.


Sometimes early intervention and prevention can help problem drinkers from avoiding a full blown addiction. Rather than going cold turkey a problem drinker learn to manage their alcohol intake and harm reduction techniques. For this method to succeed early participation in such a program is crucial.