Article Marketing Plan: Create One Using These Steps

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Article Marketing Key Steps:

If you are interested in getting free search engine website traffic than you need to take a look at article marketing. The key is having a solid article marketing plan. You need to set a goal of writing and submitting at least one article per week to have any impact on your website traffic. You must follow through and stick to your guns and make sure you publish the number articles you have set in your plan for each month.

For example I have A fishing site and I post a minimum of 1 article per week about fishing. You are probably thinking why only one article a week , why write and submit dozens of articles a week? Well you need to understand you are building a foundation for your business so quality of your articles is key to building a on-line respectability. Remember your goal to be recognized as a expert in your Selected niche market.

Article marketing is not a quick hit traffic generator, This process takes time and your website traffic increases will be over time. There are some ways to jump start your efforts by automation but you need to learn the basics before using these tools. But I can guarantee this traffic will be quality targeted traffic. I have been using article marketing for about two years now and my sales have doubled.

I have identified below some key steps you can use to develop your own marketing plan.

#1 Like I said in my opening paragraphs above you need to identify your “niche” market to be successful with your efforts. The more specific you can be with your article marketing plan the more success you will have. You will build your whole plan based on what you choose in this step, that is why I have Identified it as #1.

#2 Create a keyword , keyword phrase list of at least 50 keyword phrases. These words need to be associated with the “niche” market you have chosen. {I do not recommend you start out targeting single keywords, select keyword phrases about your niche that are two and three words in length. Concentrate on using keyword phrases that are two and three words in length.} To be honest with you I have never done very well with single keywords in my articles. It has been my experience that single keywords do not score high for me on the search engines. If you have a low advertising budget, like most of us, I would like to suggest an excellent free keyword phrase generator that is offered by Google adwords. This service is free and you do not need to deposit any money. Type in a single keyword that is associated with your “niche” market. Adwords will generate a list of two and three keyword phrases for you. Make sure you download or copy this list for future use when you are writing your articles.

#3 Start writing articles that use some of the keyword phrases from your list . Start out writing by inserting your two and three word phrases as you go. When you are writing your articles make sure that you do not repeat your keyword phrase but every 100 words. For example, if I were going to write an article that included “crappie fishing” in my first paragraph , then I could not repeat this phrase for 100 words. There are some twists you could use like mixing it up and instead of using “crappie fishing you could use “crappie angling” Its up to you. Just don’t repeat the same phrase in a 100 word count, the search engines penalize you for doing so and your article will not score well. Remember concentrate on the quality of your article when inserting keyword phrase. It’s important that you get the attention of the reader.

#4 Create a list of article directories to submit your article too. There are some steps to this that I recommend you use because all article directories are not created equal. You need to build a list of directories that prioritized by their Google rankings. First thing you need to do is go to Google and type in “article directory” in the search box. You will get a list of thousands of sites. I Do suggest two very important article sites that are worth mentioning that you should put at the top of your list, and they are and I use a free Google ranking tool that is simple to use to locate each sites ranking. Type in the following keyword phrase “website ranking tools for Google” at Google’s search box to find a free ranking tool suitable for you, or just e-mail me and I send the link I use. Just a note when developing a list use sites with rankings of 6,5,4,3 first, these sites will get you some traffic over time.

Now your ready to start article marketing! Good Luck In your efforts, Sincerely Mark Fleagle.

Mark Fleagle owner of the is an expert author at and a silver member at Learn how to increase your website traffic using article marketing the right way! Learn why the most successful website owners have migrated to Article Marketing Automation Details Here:

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