Accident At Work: Solicitors Who Deal With Personl Injuries

META: People who do suffer an accident at work are often fearful of approaching a personal injury solicitor in order to make a claim. It is imperative that you claim back what you are entitled to, if this has occurred through no fault of your own and you have suffered as a result.

First and foremost, just remember, that an employer will not usually care less about you as an employee. There main concerns are mostly to protect the company’s revenue and reputation. Alas, it is extremely rare to find a company that is truly committed to showing absolute loyalty to their employees. If you do feel total loyalty towards your company and are scared of the repercussions of having to make a claim through a personal injury solicitor, there is a definite reason why you are feeling so anxious in the first place and your employer would have made you feel that way.

So, let’s begin thinking about you! Completely place your loyalty towards your employer to one side for a moment and consider the following:

? Have you suffered an accident that was not your fault?
Have you suffered an injury as a result of this accident~{{As an injury been suffered as a result of this accident}~As a result of this accident as an injury been suffered}~{As a result of this accident as an injury been suffered}~{As an injury been suffered as a result of this accident}~As a result of this accident as an injury been suffered}~Have you suffered an injury as a result of this accident~{{As an injury been suffered as a result of this accident}~As a result of this accident as an injury been suffered}~{As a result of this accident as an injury been suffered}~{As an injury been suffered as a result of this accident}~As a result of this accident as an injury been suffered}?
Have you suffered pain, suffering or financial loss?
? Was the accident as a result of the employer’s negligence?

If you are able to answer affirmatively to the above questions, you have a definite cause to approach a personal injury solicitor.

Accepting the responsibility accordingly is something that employers should do if they have breached their duty to care about us; beware of this, as an employee this is the least you should expect from them. Employer’s negligence or breach of their duty of care, can very often result in employees losing out, not only financially but also in terms of the pain and the discomfort they have suffered. These employees are not prepared to carry the can for this; and let’s face it, why should they? Protecting their best interests is obviously what any employer will do, but this simply is not good enough. They need to remunerate their employee and act accordingly.

Specific liability insurance should be be taken out by any employer in case of events like this. Since the money is covered through the relevant insurance company, I’m not sure what the fuss is about; anyone would think the money was coming out of their own pocket.

The existance of employment laws are there for a very good reason. Employees have been protected in the workplace to try and ensure that the Dickensian levels of care and negligence do not return. Abiding by these crucial laws, whether they like it or not, is something that employers do not have a choice over. Seeking compensation is YOUR right once these laws have been broken; especially if it’s negligence on their part.

Taking on your employer can be a very frightening prospect, but the very best ones will fully understand your need to recover money through personal injury solicitors. It’s tough if they don’t, but this is probably the most likely! These laws have been legislated in the first instance to protect you from such tyrannical employers and it is your fundamental right to pursue the remedies that are available.