How To Reach Your Goals In Life

I personally believe that it is essentail that we set ourselves personal targets over various periods including a lifetime goal. It should not be purely a case of making personal targets – we need to make sure we attain them.

Write down your goals

I have always wanted to be a success and to have a happy life, I am sure this is the same for most people. In the early part of my life I was unable to achieve both of these aims; this was partly because I had a stuttering problem. In my early to mid twenties I decided to attempt to learn about ways in which I could ensure that the future would be a lot better, than what the past had been. I started to read many books about these topics and also about people who I considered to be successful~I soon began to read literature about these subjects in my quest to improve my life}.

I soon realised the importance of setting goals and targets and was hopeful that this could help me to stop stuttering. I thought about what I wanted to be and which course I wanted my life to take. I wrote out three different lists of my aims for the future.

The first list included what I wanted to achieve within the next twelve months. The second list contained what I wanted to achieve within five years and the third list was my lifetime goals – one of which was to own my own company selling composite front doors.

Avoid negative people

There are people out there who try to bring me down. Nasty comments, dirty looks and gossiping were all things that these nasty people would do~Nasty comments, dirty looks and gossiping were all things that these nasty people would do}. They look at me as If I am worthless and some kind of loser. These type of people have caused me many sleepless nights and have had a negative affect on my self-confidence.

I knew that I had to steer well clear from these bad influences; this can however be easier said than done~I knew that I had to steer well clear from these bad influences; this can however be easier said than done}.

I am pleased to report that I have now overcome the speech impediment – life is now far much happier for me.

I also own a business and also work on a part-time basis working along side a business cost reduction specialist.

As you can see life is now so much better for me and I am sure that it could be for you.