Three Ways To Write A Brilliant Business Blog

Whilst blogs were originally seen as internet diaries; they are now used in a range of ways. Blogs are now there to inform and answer queries that people have. Businesses have been slow to catch on to how this could work for them, but now an increasing number of sites have blog pages, giving them an online voice to make them stand out.


A good business blog can improve the amount of traffic to a website by over seven times and the more people that view your site the more liable they are to remember your company and how they might need your products or services, and more visitors can also improve search engine ranking. There are very few disadvantages to having a blog on your website, but do you know how to write a good blog for your business? Here are 3 hints on writing a business blog:

  • Write don’t Push – People want to read what’s in the headline, not just how the headline relates to your business. By all means let your blog conclude that your service is one worth using, but you want to write an article that flows and isn’t a sales pitch, or people will just skip to the next blog.


  • Write Regularly – It’s no good going through stages of publishing a lot of blogs and then neglecting it and assuming the previous blogs will do the work for you. You should post regular content that incorporates up to date issues to keep readers interested and keep up a steady traffic level.


  • Review your blog regularly – monitor what blogs are generating the highest level of traffic and the most sales with website analytics and call tracking technology to ensure your business bog is bringing in revenue as this is obviously the aim of your business.

A blog for your business doesn’t have to be a costly thing to maintain, sometimes only costing you time, but can add to a business’s online presence.