Paralysis During Sleep

This article takes a closer look at this condition and offers some ways in which you can deal with this condition. Go through it quickly and get some answers to this somewhat unknown condition.

REM is the period of sleep that is associated with dreaming. REM sleep paralysis is a condition that occurs when sleep is suddenly interrupted and the person was having a dream. The reason you experience the paralysis is because the change from being totally asleep to being fully awake is meant to be a gradual transition. When the disruption is sudden the speed with which the body and the brain reacts is not the same and you are likely to experience the paralysis.

Why does it occur when you are having dreams? The reason for this is that a dream is not a threat to you physically. When the brain is immediately awake in the middle of a dream you are actually trying to physically respond to something that is not there and the body goes into a state of paralysis. I’m sure you can appreciate the harm we do to ourselves and others if we could react to the things that we see in our dreams.

You can get further reviews, alternative remedies and solutions at any one of these: how do you stop Sleep Paralysis, Sleep Paralysis – Help group, Sleep Paralysis treatment

Things that will dirupt your normal sleeping routine will cause you to experience sleep paralysis. There are some stimuli that the brain responds to when you are asleep. Light and sound are two examples I can think of. So making sure no light filters to your face when you sleep and a relatively quite environment are good.

There are also some things that are known to precipitate this condition. If you take alcohol, caffeine or smoke at night or before you sleep you are increasing the chances of experiencing sleep paralysis. Try and avoid tension and putting yourself under a lot of stress.

REM sleep paralysis is an acknowledged medical condition and you shouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed to get help for it. There are many other remedies to this problem; you are welcome to further research as information is freely available on the net.