Why Do We Have To Recycle?

Today all we hear about is how we have to recycle everything in order to save our planet from danger. Do we truly need to do this? Well, look at this statistic: a regular plastic shopping bag takes approximately 1,000 years to entirely decay in a land fill site. That’s a long time, and keep in mind that’s only one bag. Calculate the number of trash bags you use every year on top of those plastic shopping bags. Then multiply that by the number of people in the country… it all adds up. Rather than throwing it away and waiting for it to rot, we can recycle it so that it can be used once more. A lot of things can be recycled such as plastic shopping bags being used to make clothing and old tires being used in building children’s playgrounds. Most things can be recycled.

One town located in California, called Lemoore, first started a very strict recycling program for its residents 15 years earlier. Town residents had to follow the recycling rules otherwise they faced fines. Of course, most the town residents observed the rules and recycling had many positive effects on this town. They were able to build a new playground as well as construct a water park. They were able to fund other municipal requirements such as a police department and pre-school scholarships via their recycling. Hence, not only does recycling help to reuse waste products, it can also generate money for other things.

While it may appear that the recycling efforts of one person can’t make a difference, multiply that small difference by everyone in the world and the results could be remarkable. We could bring down the size of many landfills which, in turn, would save money in operating them and prevent damage to the local environment. Through recycling, we can take care of the environment and also help to generate money for communities in need. Everyone benefits.

Even if you don’t care about the planet, you should at least think of others; not simply humans but also creatures. Troubles in our environment like global warming are not only destroying the planet but harming wildlife too. Taking even minute amounts of time to recycle can help to make the planet a better place for later generations.

Consider how long it takes one item to rot. It was remarked previously that a plastic bag takes some 1000 years to entirely break down. A glass jar may in reality take up to one million years to rot and styrofoam may never decay at all while other items, such as disposable diapers and milk bottles, can take hundreds of years. There’s no reason to discard these items when they are easy to recycle.

Evidently, there are several things we can’t recycle now, but with the technology becoming even more advanced we might find new ways of recycling and new uses of various materials. In the meanwhile, there is no excuse for not recycling items like plastics, metals and glass. In a lot of communities, you can recycle these items for free so there’s no reason not to do your part in protecting our planet. If everybody helped, a great deal of good would be done.

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