Accessing Akashic Records – Some Useful Information On How To Go About It

Learning how accessing akashic records is performed you have to to begin with be knowledgeable about exactly what and where they are. Many people do not know anything about or believe in the akashic records, so developing an understanding is very important.

In the ancient language known as Sanskrit the term akasha means space. We all know what records are so when the two are combined it essentially means you are looking at a wealth of knowledge somewhere in a place not known to anyone. A simpler and more understandable definition is an infinite amount of data stored in the unreachable cosmic universe.

The akashic records are founded upon the 5 ancient elements of air, wind, water, fire and earth. Perhaps not surprisingly, these principles associate with the five human senses we are all really familiar with. The five principles are what guide the recordings and make accessing the akasha possible.

The akashic realms are a non-physical region that stands outside our physical cosmos.  The akashic plane is a depositary for each soul’s journey and experiences. Every imaginable piece of material is held there, from the past, present and future. The akashic plane has been described, amongst other things, as the Cosmic Mind or Universal Mind.

In essence, one can get access to this material via the subconscious mind, using meditation or dream techniques. In the past it was believed that only such people as psychics could get access to the records. Fortunately this is incorrect and anybody can recover their own records if they have a passion to do so.

People tend to bury thoughts deep inside their subconscious mind forgetting about their existence but with the help of various diverse techniques they can be accessed through hypnosis, throughout sleep or through deep meditation or concentration. The beginning point for all such techniques is to be calm and relaxed.

You may think the akasha is not real or there is no way all this information can be stored somewhere. But don’t get taken in by them, just proceed with your research and training and don’t take any notice. Remember that our brains gather, store and release information in a similar fashion to a computer. But in fact much of our data is stored beyond the physical brain, in the akashic realms. It can be stored and retrieved at a later time just like the material on the chip.

What has been presented here are some of the basic ideas underlying the process of accessing akashic records. In retrieving your records you will be delving deep into the hidden storehouse of the Universal Mind via the portal of your subconscious. Reaching into the depths or this plane of existence can be realised through dreams, meditation, hypnosis or deep concentration. Akashic records hold everything that has ever been in existence, down to the smallest item and accessing akashic records can be done by anyone, not just psychics and mystics.