SEO – Understanding Keywords And Using Them To Your Advantage

Chances are if you’ve chosen to read this article you already know about the value of keywords and how they help search engines find your site.

The keywords you ultimately choose to build your site around can play a big part in whether or not your pages come up in searches… at a reasonable rank! Generally, you won’t find much impact on your site traffic if your key pages are coming up on say the tenth page of search results. At the same time, if your pages have an obscure keyword and you’re coming up on the first, and only page of search results you might be just as disappointed.

Choosing the right keyword(s) to build your website around has as much to do about strategic choices as planning for bringing a new product into an unknown market.

Page Title

When the search engine spiders crawl your site, the first thing they see is the Page Title. Therefore, this is perhaps the most important element to optimize for. A proper title should include the keyword your are optimizing for and provide a strong call to action for visitors to click through to your site. In addition, you should also include your business name in the title, as many directories prefer -sometimes require- this for your submission to be considered.

These present a challenge. How can you write a title that is optimized for the search engines and still provide your business name and a strong call to action? Unfortunately, there aren’t any easy answers for this, and you will have to sacrifice one (at least in part) in order to gain another.

Remember the following points when optimizing your title:

Page titles should be no longer than 64 character including spaces, according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Each title should be different to avoid confusion, and should follow a uniform design.

The title should include your business name, keywords and a call to action in that order.

Your title should ideally be less than 64 characters, but never over 120.

All keywords in the title should be copied into the description and keyword meta tags.

New websites can generally expect to be crawled by spiders within a month, and usually appear in the search results within 4 to 6 weeks. Of the four methods of attracting the spiders, submitting a sitemap generally yields the fastest results. A sitemap is a table of contents that you publish on your site. It gives spiders a roadmap to navigate your site. Creating a sitemap is easy; just visit and enter your domain name. It will scan your site and create the sitemap for you.


Writing for search engines is a bit different from writing for people… but with a bit of practice you can develop a style that is suitable for both. Search engines like to see your keyword(s) sprinkled throughout your content, not too little and not too much. If you can incorporate your keyword in your page filename, the title, and in different spots in the body text of your page you’ve got a pretty good chance that the search engines will notice it. Add to that some links on the page that include your keyword… like a link to the top of your page, and you’ve increased your chances a for search engine recognition a bit more.

When setting up outside links to your site, it’s always good to incorporate the keyword as the hypertext so the search engines see your keywords in links directed to your page.

Paying attention to your keywords and knowing how and when to use them can give your pages a significant boost in the search engines but remember to temper all of this with your page’s ability to hold the visitor’s interest otherwise the value of having folks visit your site is instantly lost when they find your site uninteresting and inevitably click away never to return!

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