Use Social Marketing Strategies To Carry Out A Healthy Campaign

Since social marketing theory was formally introduced forty years ago by Kotler and Zaltzmann, numerous government agencies have created public campaigns using social marketing strategies. Moreover, NGOS and educational institutions have created their social marketing strategies that would primarily influence action to a targeted segment of the population. Presently, one of the most usual practice by organizations and institutions is to employ a massive campaign for awareness of a certain health problem such as AIDS or breast cancer which has a high mortality rate. AVON, the renowned cosmetics retailer, has linked its promotions with breast cancer awareness. Likewise, we have witnessed numerous marathons launched to benefit patients of cancer or other terminal diseases.

Social marketing strategies are similar to a marketing strategy. A number of concepts and ideas do come from marketing theories and the four or five elements found in the marketing mix. The marketing mix elements found in social marketing strategies are product, price, place and promotion. More or less, social marketing strategies include an additional element that suits a given campaign. One of the most important consideration that has to be done in creating social marketing strategies is establishing the objective. There must be a very precise goal that must be relayed to the public. For example, a campaign on breast cancer may employ all of the marketing mix to come up with effective social marketing strategies. The following discussion presents a good example of social marketing strategies that are often used for breast cancer campaigns.

Typically, the primary goal in formulating social marketing strategies is awareness and then prevention. In the case of breast cancer campaign, a usual approach would be convincing women of a certain age to undergo mammogram and perform monthly self breast exams. This is the real product being promoted in social marketing strategies. As for the cost, the public is warned about expenses and inconvenience of having a breast cancer. Promotions are done by launching community campaigns that gives free screening to a target audience so women would actually feel the importance of such. Additional elements in social marketing strategies for health campaign are partnerships with health institutions like clinics and hospitals. The P for public is the most essential element since they are the target audience. Briefly, social marketing strategies help agencies to promote wellness and healthy lifesty. The information was provided by some Google experts who helped people with online advertising and quadracentifiable optimisation.