Types And Styles Of Martial Arts Moves

Whether it is good or not is debatable, but Hollywood has certainly given many people a distorted view of what martial arts really is. Of course, the best in the world can fly across a room and take down three people with one kick, but that isn’t really reasonable for the average person. But thankfully, there are a great amount of amazing martial arts moves that absolutely anyone can learn. If you want to learn self defense, then martial arts is a great place to start.

You might be surprised to learn that one of the most important martial arts moves doesn’t involve a move at all. It involves your mind. The human body is a wonderful thing, if you know how to train it properly and incorporate all aspects of mind and body. That is why most martial arts teachers will begin any lesson with the mental aspects that are crucial to victory in any fighting situation. Just take a second and think about it. If someone is planning on attacking you, they are likely already quite nervous. They are worried about getting caught, worried about someone else jumping in and even worried that they might lose the fight. All of these things cut down on their awareness and their ability to think clearly. So when you learn self defense, you will first learn how to keep your mind cool, calm and collected, no matter what is happening.

The prime fighting time is when your heart is beating fast, at around 150 beats per minute. But only if you know how to control your mind at the same time. With simple mind training techniques, you can learn how to take that anxiety and turn it into pure fighting energy. In most fights, it is the person who is calmer and able to think clearly who will win. Any fight is a high stress situation, but if you can learn to control your stress and make it work to your advantage, then you are already ahead of the game.

You may be wondering how exactly you learn these martial arts moves. Well the answer is simple. Back in the day, you would have had to join a class in order to learn all these moves. That can cost a lot of money and also a lot of time. And frankly, not all of us have a lot of extra in either of those departments. So thankfully, now you can learn self defense right from your living room. With a close combat training DVD, you will learn everything that professional street fighters know and will almost instantly be able to defend yourself in a wide variety of high stress situations. You will learn moves that can take down an assailant twice your size with the flick of your wrist. You will learn how to get a knife out of the hands of an attacker and hundreds of other potentially life saving techniques. Your safety and well being is worth it, so take action as soon as possible.