Pretty Is As Pretty Does

The following may be considered sexist, ignorant, or rude, but this matters not. It is the opinion of only one man, and opinions can be difficult to understand. But if you are a woman who wants to know what a man finds pretty, you are in the right spot.

To begin with, pretty is as pretty does. This is to say that you will be prettier on the outside if you are actually pretty on the inside. Yes, this is totally trite and corny, but it is absolutely true. Men respond to how you act, after first responding to how you look. The actions last, looks do not.

An example is that big and wild tattoo on the girl across the bar. We will stare at it in fascination for a minute, but then we will wonder about the types of people who get inked. Sorry to say, tattooed girls get an undeserved bias towards them. No it is not fair, but it is there. If you get tattoo fever, squelch it.

You see, what a man likes is you, naked and unashamed. It takes so little to get our attention that all of that flashy ink just gets in the way. Your exposed skin, at the right moment, will drive us crazy and this is good. The decorations distract us from the real you.

And let us discuss what exactly is that right moment, okay? It is not outside of the privacy of the house. We really do want to see you scantily clad, oh yes we do, but we do not want anybody else to see you that way. Girls shirts should not be too low cut, too sheer, or too tight. Not in public anyways. In private we can deal with it just fine.

And in those private moments, nothing is sexier than healthy, vibrant, glowing skin. If you are past the age of thirteen or so, it is time to learn how to get rid of acne. We understand that it is a phase you must endure, but help is available. Either try the stuff from the store or see a dermatologist. Nice skin is a huge part of pretty.

You see, what we really want is a nice girl after all. We would really love to find a girl we can take home to meet out mothers. Seriously now, the trashy gals are just that, and we want something better for ourselves. We truly want quality over quantity after all.