Juegos Trabajo Trabajar | Ethics – How To Create A Corporate Culture That Works – Employees, Ethics, And Your Company’s Success

juegos • Be fair: Perceptions of unfairness is one of the major reasons why people rationalize unethical or illegal conduct. When someone feels they are being treated unfairly, they become self-protecting. Actions that would have been unthinkable before become acceptable because an “I deserve it” logic seeps in. Leaders need to be mindful of where inconsistent application of rules and policies exist in the organization. No one expects equal treatment. But people have a sophisticated ability to discern fairness. And they will react-often emotionally-when those unwritten yet definitive lines are crossed.

trabajo Earlier today one of our affiliates was about to enter into an agreement with a company where they would be shelling out over $5,000.00 upfront, not including the $150.00 “consulting fee” and $135.00 “transaction fee.” Concerned about the well-being of my associate’s bank account, I decided to look up the information on this company.

Some interesting tidbits:

– Their website was only three weeks old.

– The company was not registered with the state of California.

– A DBA (ficticious business name/”doing business as”) was filed in the county this company was claiming it did business in, but the individual linked to the DBA had no record whatsoever.

Before you blame the customer for manipulating you into doing something that you’ll regret tomorrow, hold on a minute. All too often we product managers not only allow, but in some cases even invite our customers to manipulate us.

How do we do this? Simple: we make two mistakes.

First we have a deep need to seek constant approval of both ourselves and our product from our customers. Second, our greatest fear is that the customer will tell us that they don’t like either us or our product and we’ll end up losing our product manger jobs. We can’t bear the thought of that happening. Shape up product manger!

trabajar • Move the cookie jar: Humans have been vulnerable to temptation since Adam and Eve, and that aspect of human nature will not change. By enacting reasonable controls that deter fraud, and by maintaining clear standards, your employees will more likely resist the temptation to cheat. However, most people struggle between the need to succeed and a desire to do good. And this conflict cannot be resolved merely by being told to do the right thing. Our power of rationalization is so powerful that we can convince ourselves that, for instance, taking just one more cookie won’t hurt anyone. Organizations must address this dilemma at the behavior level as well as at the prescriptive regulatory level. Organizations can help break down rationalization by acknowledging the specific issues that tend to get people into trouble. For example, discuss the specific reasons why individuals end up cutting corners or fudging reports. Public discussion often can be enough to deter many managers from engaging in that behavior.

• Be open: Most employees want to be committed to their work and to their companies. They want to feel valued and important. Most employees are therefore quite sensitive to being left out of the loop-most specifically in terms of information. Lack of engagement often is sourced back to perceptions of being excluded from key information. “I don’t matter so why should I care?” frequently is a precursor to a less productive, less dedicated employee. Managers must be taught to see open communication as a strategically critical value and a behavior essential to keeping employees engaged and committed You can be published without charge. You can to republish this article in your website or blog. Please provide links Active.