What Makes Buyers Buy

Do you know the reasons why people decide to buy what you are selling? I am referring to the unknown and hidden reasons that cause you customer to make a purchase. People make purchases based almost entirely on emotions. Not everyone will agree with this they believe people buy based on needs and logical thinking. But when you dig deeper you will find that more often than not the real reasons are based on emotions.

It doesn’t matter what you are selling. If you look closely you will find different emotional reasons for the consumer to purchase your offering. This is very obvious in the fashion industry, jewelry and especially why you want a good car salesman when you go to purchase a car. Car dealerships spend thousands on car salesman training each month to figure out what will make their customers buy a car. Take a closer look at why your customer buys and focus on satisfying those emotional needs. Just keep in mind that people buy for very different reasons when their emotions get involved in making buying decisions.

To look at a more practical side of why customers buy, let’s look at this example. Think about the person that buys for a government entity. You would think that the buyer is basing their decision entirely on economic and logical factors. This may be partially true, but they also want to show their superiors that they have done a good job. They want to feel some personal satisfaction and be acknowledged for doing a good job. Although the buyer uses logic to make a buying decision, they are also using their emotions.

Evaluate some of the buying decisions you have made. If you had a very special function that you needed to attend would you wear whatever was in your closet or would you want a new outfit. Most people wouldn’t think twice, they would want to wear something new for this special function. They would go shopping to look for that new dress or suit and maybe even shoes or purse. They are determined to get that special outfit or dress that will make them feel good when they put it on. They desire to feel good and look good. They may want to look successful, fashionable, thin, sexy, and younger or maybe they just want to be accepted. Whatever it might be it is based on an emotion.

A good example might be a special event or a dinner at your favorite restaurant. When you are eating your meal you feel good and happy with your selection and when you are done you are satisfied and content. However if it was not a tasty meal you made a bad choice you would be unhappy and unsatisfied. However your experience unfolds there are always emotions involved.

Some people don’t believe that people buy with emotions, that just means that they did not look closely. Humans are emotional creatures and have an influence on their buying decisions whether they know it or not. Most purchases decisions are influenced by emotions even though it’s not obvious. Whether you are selling clothes, cars, jewelry or industrial supplies think about all the possible emotions that cause your customers to buy. The car business from my earlier example has networks for car salesman tips to help them sell cars with emotions. Think about that old saying;You are not selling them the steak, you are selling your customer the sizzle.