Why Learn Conversational Hypnosis?

I think that it is important for a person to learn or at least know about conversational hypnosis (aka covert hypnosis). Conversational hypnosis is the ability to get someone to do what it is that you want while speaking to them. If a person does not know what covert hypnosis is then it would be easy for them to be the prey of someone who wants to get them to do something the normally would not. Conversational Hypnosis enables you to change a persons mind without them knowing that you did so. Usually that person would think that they had a change of heart because of their own will when in reality that is not the case. If that person who knew of covert hypnosis would not have spoken with you would you still have made the decisions that you have? Certainly not!!

A person that learns covert hypnosis gains a power that not many people know of, the ability to persuade anyone to do anything that they would like. If you had the knowledge to say the right words to someone that would make them have a change of thought or have certain facial expressions that would make those not in the know change their mind, would you feel empowered? I think that not knowing about covert hypnosis could be a huge mistake for many people. Most people dont belive that they can be hypnotized, but they are victims of it everyday..

When you hear an advertisement on the radio or see one on television, they are all using subliminal hypnosis. They use words and images that make you feel as if you want or need their product, when you were not even thinking about it. How powerful do you think that can be?, to have someone want something of yours only because you said or showed them something? I think that if you do not at least learn something about covert hypnosis you would be doing yourself a disservice because everyone who is trying to get something out of you uses it.

You yourself use this form of hypnosis even though you don’t even realize it. Have you ever tried to convince a friend or family member to do something that they didn’t want to at first? If successful then you understand how powerful covert hypnosis can be. The president of the United States uses conversational hypnosis. Covert Hypnosis goes deeper than just words and facial expressions, it allows you to tap into a person’s emotions and control their behavior thru that avenue. People do things based on emotion. Whether the feelings are good or bad, they are what control how a person reacts in any given situation. The power to change emotions gives you the ability to do incredible things.