5 Outstanding Attributes of Vinyl as Compared to Other Siding Materials

As compared to the other materials used in sidings, vinyl is found to be more advantageous because of the following attributes: low cost, resilient, moisture-resistant, recyclable, and easy to install.

Vinyl, a name derived from polyvinylchloride is a synthetic material that is a popular substitute for leather; thus, sometimes it is referred to as fake leather. It has several known advantages as compared to the rest of the other sidings; thus, many homeowners as well as contractors recommend its use. For comparison, below are some of the features that clearly define the benefits of vinyl over the other sidings:

Low cost

The most obvious advantage of vinyl as compared to any other types of sidings is affordability. When compared to wood and aluminum sidings, the cost is around 50% lesser making it the most preferred material in construction. Unlike other materials, there is no need for additional costs on paints and labor because vinyl already comes in different shades.


Due to its toughness, manufacturers often offer a reasonable warranty period. This type of material does not tarnish nor rot easily; therefore, does not require frequent replacement unlike wood. When exposed under direct sunlight, the color does not fade due to the added titanium dioxide.


Since this is not a breathable material, it does not absorb moisture, which is the frequent cause of mildew formation. Insects are less likely attracted to vinyl due to the added chemicals in contrast to wood, which easily decomposes. In the absence of all these decay-provoking elements, maintenance should not be a cause of concern.


Vinyl is recyclable; therefore, it is environment-friendly. However, due to the added anti-withering chemicals, some studies show that it can cause cancer to humans. But since a myriad of class is readily available, you might as well ask for the dealer’s recommendation.

Easy to install

Such sidings come in pre-cut sizes and shapes; however, you can also ask a manufacturer to have a customized cutting. Because these are ready-to-install, you may opt to do-it-yourself instead of hiring a specialist to do it for you. Just follow the instructional guide provided by the maker, so that you can be assured of well-installed pieces. However, if you feel like you are having a difficulty figuring out the next step, do not think twice about hiring a professional. This will not only save you time, but money as well. In the case of other types of sidings, never dare doing it on your own because skill and experience are required to successfully lay them on place.

Since installation of such involves a considerable amount of money, you need to carefully decide on the most appropriate type, yet suitable to your budget.

For more information on the variety of sidings, kindly visit this site: Alcoa Construction and seek assistance from a siding contractor.