Leadership And More

Leadership: Why Not Be Happy With ‘Good ‘?

Here at buildingateam.co.uk, we are captivated by unusual Leadership. We do not believe that any Leader or organisation can remain pleased with just plain ‘good’! Well, obviously you can – if you would like to! Who are we to tell you what you need to or mustn’t do? We have an opinion though, based on our experience and insights into some of the companies that achieve ‘extraordinary ‘ things and the ones that do not.

We think that ‘good’ is the nemesis to ‘astonishing’! Lets consider it. All those places in your life as a leader and inside your business that you would think of as ‘good ‘ – why trouble changing them? If they work, they work right? How frequently do I hear, ‘but we’ve done it like this for a long time, why go through all the disorder to modify things? ‘ This is an illusion. But of course there will be many things you still do, that are worth keeping hold of and continuing with. There may be masses of others where it’s time to let go.

This takes conviction, commitment and bravery.

I can tell you one thing though that is fundamental to discovering about Leadership. No extraordinary leader, team or company became so by being contented with ‘good’.

Leadership: You could go BTFI

What does BTFI stand for? BTFI stands for going beyond self-imposed limitations and excelling yourself in the most committed and pressing way.

Ok, so now you know what BTFI stands for.

At Buildingateam BTFI we believe and think that the first way of playing is a basic; in-tune, in time, note perfect, thorough. The breakthrough comes when you're prepared to stretch yourself to play the second way; commitment, passion, energy, fortitude, inspiration.

Leadership: Call to action!

Blogs are usually lovely things. Quite fascinating on the whole – and a complete waste of your time if they don’t empower you to proceed further!

So, when you are ready and you have finished this, go and read up about Leadership and Leadership Training. Once you have done that, decide on a some activity to take that may be a real example of playing the second way. That could be anything – the way that you present a bit of advice, how you contribute in a group discussion, the way you opt to give some feedback and so on – go and decide now.

The essence of BTFI is that you take some sort of action, however little it may appear, and do it completely by giving all of you. Don’t forget the fundamentals need to be in place; an end result, good target for the others involved,without judging and so on.

Motivational Speaker Richard Tyler leads Buildingateam which offer organisations extraordinary team building, leadership training and culture change events using art and performance.