Self Development: Change Your Thoughts

Have you ever given any thought as to just how powerful your thoughts are? Almost everyone is not cognizant of this amazing power because thoughts are not something tangible. Lots of people feel that because their thoughts are private , they just belong  in the mind and have no  effect on their outer life.

 How to Become your Best Self


As a result of this, many people greatly underestimate the power of their thoughts and thus never bother to learn how to control and focus their thoughts towards getting what they really want.


But the mind is an interesting place… It is a bit  like a piece of land. You have to make an active effort to plant and nuture seeds which would bear the fruits that you want. If you don’t you can end up with a lot of experiences that you do not want.

Almost everyone fill their minds with a constant flow of negative and disempowering thoughts. It is not as if they have chosen these thoughts, but have not chosen empowering thoughts


And where did these negative thoughts come from?  Your thoughts are a direct result of your past experiences, education and conditioning.


Your beliefs are in turn influenced by your negative thinking,and your beliefs influence how your world works,and affects your interactions with the outside world.   These include your relationship with others, your ability to earn money,and build a fortune,your eating habits,your physical activities, and the many other things that produce the experiences that make up your life.

  You should become aware of the great importance of your thoughts. Just imagine what kind of results you could produce in your life if you could begin to choose different thoughts that would build different beliefs about how the world works. Learn to choose different beliefs that would inspire different thoughts and afford you different results.

Results that you REALLY want.

How can you make that effort to choose thoughts that would return to you the results that you really want.


Choose thoughts which are in harmony with what you want to achieve in life. Now in case you believe you’re doing this already, here’s something to think about:


Most people have a much stronger idea of what they DON”T want, than what they do want. Just ask anyone what they really want from their job, their relationships, their financial life and their health. Chances are, they’ll rattle off a lot of things that that they don’t want.


Self Development

This is because they’re always thinking about what they don’t want.   These negative thoughts influence their beliefs about how the world works. These beliefs affect their actions and those actions produce results which are consistent with the seeds which led to those actions: their thoughts.




Now, here’s a question to ask yourself:

What kinds of results are you going to continue to get in your life if your thinking never changes? All you have to do is look at the results you’re getting, and there’s your answer.

If you’re ready to change this, then let’s look at how your thoughts are produced and what you can do to begin to change them.