Yoli Blast Caps Review: What Is Yoli All About?

Yoli Blast Caps Review: The beverage business is a multi-billion dollar business and it just keeps mounting. Yoli is a drink business and was founded in November 2009 by 6 seasoned network marketing professionals. Yoli blast caps are unique and different because they offer a different way of drinking healthful beverages. Developed as a new functional beverage delivery system by a business called Blast Cap Technologies, LLC., the company could possibly be the next giant in the beverage industry because they have a category producing product that currently has 6 patents.

There is nothing on the market like Yoli’s blast cap technology. There are 2 blast cap flavors: Truth & Fun. The ingredients in these new sustenance drinks are freeze-dried super-fruit antioxidants and are kept in a small plastic container called a “blast cap”. The blast cap fits in the neck of the Yoli bottle. When you are ready to drink, you force down on the top of the blast cap and the ingredients are “blasted” into the water below. Simply shake the bottle a couple of times and this good for your health beverage is ready to drink.

Yoli blast caps offer a demonstratable product and that is the holy grail in any network marketing business. Being able to demonstrate a product is very influential. Kids love it because the caps are fun to blast. When blasting a cap, other kids usually inquire what it is and want some of their own.

No matter how wholesome over-the-counter beverages try to claim to be, they simply cannot be because of the process of pasteurization. The next time you are at the supermarket take a look at the label of one of your favorite drinks. You will see that they are full of preservatives, artificial flavors, colors and sweeteners. These are all chemicals. Yoli blast caps contain no chemicals.

As of 2010, two-thirds of the USA is overweight and one-third is obese. One of the chief reasons to this epidemic is because of all the sweetened beverages on the market including soda, energy drinks and even fruit juices.

You might think sugar is safe but it is causing more destruction and damage than anything else. The obesity in America is steadily escalating. Recent studies show that the average American consumes over 160 pounds of sugar per year.

Pasteurization is the process of boiling liquids to eliminate bacteria and better the shelf life of the product. When this happens, most of the vitamins and antioxidants that you think are in your drink (even orange juice and apple juice) will be destroyed; basically producing dead juice. Even if some of the healthy ingredients make it past the pasteurization process, they are likely to deteriorate while waiting on the supermarket shelf to be purchased.

Yoli blast caps contain none of the bad — only the good. They have a low glycemic index, which is great for diabetics, and just 10 calories in each drink. They are a fantastic alternative to the unhealthy beverages that dominate the market and is probably the first drink that is actually going to take some of Gatorade’s part of the market with their patented Alkalete formula.

Yoli and their blast caps are a real MLM company that could become the next health and wealthness giant in the home based business arena. Only time will tell. One of the keys to creating a residual income in MLM is having a consumable product. Yoli’s blast caps and its patented Alkalete are highly consumable.

Unfortunately most Yoli independent business owners will not realize success because they do not possess the marketing know-how needed to achieve the high ranks in their business.

For the more in depth Yoli blast caps review, click the link now. To dominate in Yoli, visit MLM Online Training for free MLM marketing training.