How Businesses Should Respond To Negative Reviews

Words can be powerful. Especially when you’re reading a negative review about a business that someone just wrote. Just a few negative words can start a spark or reaction in a business owner to come back swinging. Whether or not the review was accurate, or that the person who wrote it is just taking their bad day out on you, here are some guidelines to follow so that you do not add fuel to the flames.


First, take a step back, calm down and read the review in its’ entirety. Their review may be full of exaggerated information, but there is usually a kernal of truth to it. If you did mess up, take down notes on what you can improve on. We all do, we all have our bad days. Take the chance to see this as an opportunity to improve on operations. Besides, usually a good business will have ten good reviews that follow one bad review. Your business will show be obvious to others whether or not the review is a ‘fake’ or written by a genuine customer.


If in fact you realize there is some wrong in your part of the experience, make genuine amends. People make mistakes. It takes just a few kind words to calm an angry person down. If they are misstating facts, (such as they say an employee told them they were able to get a discount), however that is completely untrue, simply speak up and politely inform them they have been misunderstood something or maybe got confused with another company. The situation needs to be addressed as soon as possible. If you feel that the review is starting to get out of control, get into a calm and private conversation with the customer. Pay attention and listen closely. If the person’s review is just negative comments, and just their attempt for attention, take the high road and don’t counteract. There’s no need for more attention. Trying to argue with them will just start a war.


If you decide to comment on a review, do it with some class. Do not attempt to insult, bully or accuse the write. Instead, take a deep breath, because it takes some skill and guidelines to respond to an angry or upset customer. I can’t repeat this enough, but listening is important. Listen without reacting or interrupting. Have you ever had a bad customer experience? Put you in their shoes for a moment. Give them the time to explain why they were so unhappy in the first place. Honestly come at them with your hands where they can see them. Sincerely apologize for your mistake and let them help you find a way to move forward. Don’t make excuses about anything, or how you were the victim. If you messed up, be honest. If you not able to be calm, then you should not have your business in the social media world. The moment you argue back, the worse it gets. Be a real, apologetic person. Using terminology used in your business will only frustrate them even more and make you look like you think you’re everyone else. Always say that you will improve. Give them a sign that they are heard, and that you want to do better.



Mary Singleton regularly writes for AML Stone Source, the leading hot stone massage supplies provider. They carry such products as massage stone, as well as many other many oYtl other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.