Various Structured Cabling Systems

Structured cabling systems are what make up a company’s communication and data transmission systems using a series of wires and cables. This type of cabling system can transfer voice, data and video communications. If you have a large business that also uses lots of communication technology then you’ll need a more complicated system. You will also need a larger system if your business has more than one building on a campus.

Structured cabling systems come in a few different versions. If you are working with a good cabling installer then they should be able to help you understand they type of system your business will need. One kind of cabling system may not be enough and you may require a combination of systems.

A common form of cabling system is an entrance facility. An entrance facility system is for those companies whose system interfaces with the public. You will need this if you have any form of technology that faces outward from your company to the public.

Another common system that many businesses will use is a system that requires an equipment room. An equipment stands to serve the communications needs of the internal audience. Your equipment room will house all the technology that your internal audience will rely on for their communication technology needs. Most companies of even an average size that have any technology at all will find themselves making use of an equipment room for all their data cabling needs.

If you have a very complicated system that requires the use of both an equipment room and an entrance facility model, then you’re probably going to need a telecommunications room for your business. Telecommunications room meet a companies needs by housing both horizontal cabling systems and a backbone cabling system or just one of those. You need a horizontal cabling system if you business requires connecting outlets on various floors of the same building. A backbone cabling system connects all the types of communication cabling a company has.

You’ll usually find backbone systems at companies that have a few different buildings on a large campus. This system effectively connects all cabling system types such as entrance facilities, equipment rooms and telecommunications rooms.

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