How To Select The Best Medical Insurance For Truck Drivers

Trucking is perhaps one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Most people don’t understand why it is so dangerous. Due to accidents, many drivers are killed on the job each year. Even the most careful truck drivers are not guaranteed that they will not encounter issues on the road. For this reason, truck drivers need to have good health insurance to protect their overall welfare. Health insurance for truckers is tough to get


There are various good health insurance policies that are intended for truck drivers. It is very important that you find a good health insurance agent if you want to get the best value for your premium dollar. This is necessary to know which good health insurance for drivers is the most appropriate for you.


Because of the way of life that many drivers live, they typically will have serious health problems. For this reason, it is really important to have a medical plan that would cover your health benefits in case you encounter some health-related problems along the way. You should seek out a plan that will not only cover hospitalization expenses, but also testing, x-rays, and physician office visits. You also need prescription help.


If you will get good health insurance plan, it is important that you consider some vital factors regarding the premiums as well as the benefits. While not all insurance policies are expensive, they also are not cheap! There are a wide variety of good health insurance policies available to drivers and there is bound to be one for you that is affordable. Choose the health plan which you think you can afford and will give you the best benefits. Because there are so many policies available for you to chose from, you must do your homework and be very careful of your selection.


Drivers with untreated sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, are one of the most dangerous threats out on our roads. Driver tiredness is to blame for roughly 90,000 motor vehicle accidents and 1,500 deaths every year and the NHTSA estimates the cost of tired driving is $12.4 billion a year. An untreated truck driver has a Situational Performance that is the equivalent of a truck driver with a Blood Alcohol Content of .06 to .08. As you can see, sleep apnea in the trucking industry is a problem.


It is very concerning that truck drivers with sleep apnea often under report or minimize warning signs such as daytime sleepiness and snoring. The truck driving lifestyle is usually nothing but limited exercise, high fat meals and unbalanced schedules. This is what causes drivers to become a high risk. The trucking lifestyle is not the cause of the disease but it contributes greatly to it.