A Day In The Life Of The Self-Employed

From habit, he always sets his alarm clock for six AM, but usually he wakes up when there is a certain amount of light in the room. The sun is what gets him out of bed, not the alarm buzzer. At any rate, it does not make any difference, since work does not start until he starts it.

First, of course, there must be coffee. A strong latte, with lots of foam, is his favorite. But these days, there is no time spent standing in line at the local coffeehouse, trying not to notice how many customers are in front of him. The coffeehouse has moved to his kitchen counter, in the form of a gleaming espresso machine that serves only him.

The kitchen fills with the aroma of espresso and the quiet gurgling of the coffee maker. He steps outside to get the morning papers which arrived earlier. For world news he reads the Times, and for financial developments it is the Journal. Heading back to the kitchen to get his latte, he is distracted by his office helper, Miss Kitty. He stops to pet the round little Manx, who is always happy to play paperweight when he allows her to.

The commute from his kitchen to his office takes all of 10 seconds, and a few seconds later he is online checking his business email account. He sees that there is a message from his broker regarding the latest top forex indicator that they are alerting their top clients to. He decides to wait till later to read the details, as right now he needs to check the overnight activity in his trading account.

There follow a few quiet hours of work, with short breaks to make another latte for himself and to get Miss Kitty her breakfast. His latest investment strategies have paid off handsomely, it seems. In addition, it is a sunny Friday, and life is good. Around noon he stops for some exercise on his treadmill, catching up with news on the television while he runs. A light sushi lunch, delivered from the market yesterday, follows his workout, and then it is back to the office.

The next few hours pass quickly, and he hears the sound of the mail delivery outside the front door. When he retrieves it, he is excited to find a book he ordered last week, on how to analyze the best forex indicator. Over the weekend he will study it and see about implementing some new ideas when trading starts again on Monday.

He decides the workday should end just about now, and makes a cup of tea to enjoy on the sunny patio. He considers the activities of the weekend ahead, and makes a note to include some work on the rose bushes. His main chore will be to assemble the new computer workstation furniture that was delivered the other day. After that is done, he will have a lot more space for all his work papers and books, and of course Miss Kitty.