How Information Kiosks Can Help Your Business Grow

The reason for the increased usage of kiosks comes down to two main factors – ease of use and convenience. Even people who are not very good with computers can use a self-service or information kiosk because it is simply a case of following the on-screen instructions. Most of them have touchscreens too – what could be easier? As for convenience, they fill in the gaps that employees cannot cover because they are overstretched with other duties. They mean that customers can receive service however busy employees are and whatever the time of day or night it is.

There are many productive uses for self-service and information kiosks in both public and private settings, with these being just some examples of how they can be used…

ATM : Outside of town centers it can often be difficult to find an ATM when you want one. By having one inside your store then customers will be more likely to buy extra items and you will also attract extra customers who will originally visit just to use the ATM but will then probably end up buying something too. By having one inside your office then productivity can be improved as employees will not have to waste their lunch break (which may well turn into an extended one) looking for one, when they would be better off relaxing.

Directions : If your employees are regularly asked for directions, whether it be to find a particular room, where a particular store in a mall is, or something else, then their attention is being taken away from what you really want them to be doing. A kiosk is ideal for having a map on and actually makes it easier for people to find what / who they want, as following directions that you have seen is easier than following ones that you have heard.

Hospitality : When arriving at someplace that they have not been to before, people often have many questions. As well as wanting to know where things are, they also want to know what times things happen, who they need to speak to, etc. Having a kiosk at, for example, a hotel, trade show or office, means that visitors can find out everything that they need to know and then get on with what they came to do in the first place. They appreciate not having to find (and probably wait for) someone to speak to and employees appreciate not having to answer the same questions repeatedly.

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