Five Reasons Why You Should Take Risks

Being able to take risks is fundamental to success in any endeavor we undertake.  Being able to take a risk means being able to push yourself to do those things that you may be uncomfortable doing in order to achieve a goal.  Common risks that many are afraid to take include such things as expressing ourselves in public, learning to do something new, investing in an activity or purchase without any guarantees of return on our investment, and even in some cases simply changing the way we do something.  Risk, like change is always frightening, and taking a risk leaves us wide open and vulnerable to pain, criticism, embarrassment and perhaps loss.  Why then, is being able to take risks so important?  Consider these five main reasons:

1.    Risk taking improves self-confidence and fosters self-esteem.  With every risk you take there is an opportunity for success, and success breeds confidence.  Sure, with every risk there is also the possibility of failure, but even if you fail you gain the confidence that comes from knowing you at least tried.  The more often you try new things, the more often you will succeed and the more passionate you will become about your goals.

2.    Risk taking lessens mental anguish.  Indecision is actually far more draining than making a decision and taking action.  If we constantly wait to do something until we feel absolutely certain that we can do it perfectly, odds are we won’t have the energy required to complete the goal.  Successful people put their energies into taking action instead of thinking about taking action.

3.    Risk taking is the only way to promote growth.  Like a child learning to walk, taking a risk means taking action, and only by taking action can we produce results. 

4.    Risk taking improves our chances of success by teaching us what works.  In order to improve results, we often have to change our attitudes, behaviors and the way we do things.  When we aren’t afraid to risk change we are able to try new things and ultimately learn what works best for us.

5.    Risk taking promotes happiness.  If we fail to try something that we would really like to do, we are left only with feelings of regret and unhappiness.  We are much happier when we can say we tried, even if we didn’t succeed.

Risk taking isn’t easy and it is often uncomfortable and frightening, but it is the only way we can push ourselves to see how far we can go, and learn what goals we can achieve.  It is the only way we can live to our fullest potential and realize our dreams.  It means the difference between looking back and reflecting on what we’ve accomplished and looking back with regret at what we wished we would have done.  Those who fear risk and hold back will accomplish very little.  Those who see risk as an opportunity for potential growth will forge ahead and accomplish great things.  Which one will you be?

John Hersey is a successful business owner, published author and motivational leadership speaker. John writes one of the most recognized leadership blogs in the business world: