Positive Attitude Advice

I have recently read a about the golf player Tiger Woods. He is a very interesting character and a very good and successful golf player. It explained how he always wears red and black colours for his clothes, on the last day of each tournament. He chooses the colours of red and black as these colours represent a courageous attitude; he is saying to the rest of the players; I am going for it today – no messing about – it seems to work. He is basically saying to all of the players that he is going to just go for it, no fear, no worries, he is just going to attack. In his opinion, if he has this attitude and plays well, he will have every chance of winning the tournament. Now he obviously can not win every tournament, but he does seem to win his fair share.

Do not get me wrong I do not work within this area; I am personally involved with DVD duplication and I also sell cheap holidays as well as working with a stuttering specialist.

I remember feeling very nervous about attending an interview. This was exactly the type of situation which I would worry and get stressed out about~I have never been very good in these types of situation and would have become very anxious about it in the past}. I would question why I was even attending the interview as I was bound to fail. Here you can see just how my brain just to work – always thinking in a negative manner.

From reading all of these books, I decided that worrying was certainly not going to help me and that I needed to think positive. After looking through my wardrobe I realised that I could really do with some new clothes as the one’s that I had were a little worse for wear. I went to the shops to buy some quality shirts, a couple of ties, some new shoes and a brand new suit. I will never forget seeing myself in the mirror with this new suit on, I looked extremely smart and I felt very proud of myself. Just wearing this new suit gave me a huge boost of confidence. I went to the interview feeling more positive than ever and pretended I was Tiger, I was just going to go for it and see what happens.

To say that I was pleased with the way that the interview went would be an understatement – I was over the moon. I could not believe how quick and sharp my brain acted despite the pressure – I was pleasantly surprised of the overall quality of my own performance. I actually quite enjoyed the meeting and am happy to let you know that I was offered the position two weeks later.