Five Powerful EFT Tapping Tips

EFT Tapping is a surprisingly powerful do-it-yourself method.  If you want to take responsibility for your own happiness, health and success, Emotional Freedom Tapping is a tool you’ll want to know and use.

Like most things, more skill means more success. 

Here are 5 tapping technique tips to help build your Emotional Freedom Tapping skill and help you get the most out of your tapping therapy.

1. Write it Down

Thoughts have the tendency to keep repeating themselves and going in circles.

When you make a list of what’s bothering you, you’re much less likely to write the same thing over and over.

Take the time to make a list of what you’re thinking and feeling about your tapping subject.Tap on the things you wrote.

2.  Know What’s Keeping You Safe

Whenever you want to change, there’s a part of you that wants you to stay the same.  That part’s job is to keep you safe. 

Complete this sentence to find out how you’re keeping yourself safe. 

“It won’t be safe to ______ (fill in the blank with the change you’re planning), because…”

Listen to what comes up and use what you hear as tapping phrases.

3.  What if… Tapping

You can tap in a more positive future for yourself.Imagine some of the things you’d like to have or do in your life, or ways you’d like to be different. 

While tapping, complete a What if… statement at each point.  If you want to increase your financial abundance, you might tap, “What if I doubled my income?  What if my business  increased every month?”

4.  Feel your Feelings

Your body tells you what emotion you’re feeling.  You know what anger feels like, anxiety, excitement 

Any easy and effective tapping therapy technique is to tap while noticing your physical sensations. Keep tapping and noticing until your body relaxes.

5.  Ask Yourself

I bet you sometimes think you can outrun your uncomfortable emotions.But you can’t often.  You can distract yourself with food, fun or work, but the emotions are still there, taking your energy and dimming your brilliance. 

But you can easily find out what’s bothering you and use that info to clear your discomfort. 

Get quiet and ask inside what’s wrong.  Listen to the answers you hear.Those statements can be your tapping phrases.

Use these five emotional tapping techniques to increase your tapping skill and attract greater abundance into every area of your life.